Lawrence Public Library

Lawrence, Mass. Panorama Photographs

The photographs in this collection were found in a number of locations in the Lawrence Public Library. Some of them were framed; others were rolled up. All were in poor condition. In some cases, the condition was so bad that the appraiser could not tell what the subject matter was. The items were in pieces and badly discolored.

May 5, 2000, the photographs were taken to Northeast Documents Conservation Center in Andover, Massachusetts. NEDCC was given permission to conserve the photos and they were retrieved in January of 2001.

Subsequently, the 8x10 negatives made at NEDCC have been printed into contact prints. Three of the items were digitally scanned. Two of the seven have now been framed and will be on display in the library. The remaining five are encapsulated and are stored in a map case in the library's Special Collections.

Locations in this Collection: