For The MacNeil/Lehrer NewsHour, Robert MacNeil and Judy Woodruff give a summary of news of the day and then present an interview with Secretary of Treasury James Baker, a story about global marketing, and clips from the Supreme Court confirmation hearing of Robert Bork; Charlayne Hunter-Gault then interviews author Toni Morrison. Secretary Baker discusses the current state of the global economy and the status of international trade agreements that the United States holds with other nations. Global marketing is being used more frequently by US companies; it is an advertising strategy by which they advertise to various countries using the same methods as opposed to multi-national marketing, which uses different advertising strategies in each country. Robert Bork is experiencing some push-back on his appointment to the Supreme Court because of his involvement in the Watergate scandal, which calls in to question his belief in the public's general right to privacy. Toni Morrison discusses her newest novel, Beloved, her career, and her vision for the future of literature.