Diverse group of teenagers gather half an hour west of Nashville for Camp Anytown, sponsored by the National Conference for Community and Justice. For one week, young people face their prejudices with hopes of understanding similarities and differences. They'll be talking about their stereotypes they believe about the police. They don't trust the police and teenagers share their opinions of police. This is the first time some teenagers have ever seen 2 African American officers. The department is struggling to teach officers not to stereotype and to treat individuals as individuals. Maplewood High School officer speaks. Nashville Police. The more he talks, the more passionate Mark Bennett gets. He believes that officers should be 26 years old before being allowed to enter the force, rather than the current 21 years old. Officers should have more life experience and be subject to more diversity before being employed with a police department. Teenagers have many questions and keep asking the officers more questions for 45 minutes after the session ends. Officer recommends dealing with individual people and case by case instances rather than condemning entire categories of people and incidents.