American once fought a war over states' rights but this political question was not entirely solved by the Civil War. States' rights are still one of the major political issues in American politics, particularly regarding the touch segregation problem in the South. Professor Eliot outlines the records of both parties on this issue. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche) This series of fifteen half-hour episodes was first presented as a telecourse over station KETC, recorded on kinescope, and produced for the Center by St. Louis in cooperation with Washington University. Designed to educate in the field of American politics, the episodes cover the development of political parties, the theory and practice of party institutions such as the primary, the convention and the machine, and current political issues from the perspective of party record. Lecturer for the series is Thomas H. Eliot, chairman and professor of the department of political science at Washington University. Professor Eliot is a former US Congressman from Massachusetts and has had twelve years' experience in Federal government administrative and legal posts. (Description adapted from documents in the NET Microfiche)