Vous êtes banquier, monsieur ? – Oui, monsieur, je fais une banque, et une fameuse ! J’ose le dire : je fais la banque du commerce de Beaucaire, capital 4 millions. Ma haute capacité, ma probité, mes connaissances financières sont une garantie du plus immense succès, aussi les actions s’enlèvent, on se bat pour en avoir et l’on en a pas, elles sont toutes prises...... – Tant mieux, monsieur ; car il vous sera plus facile de payer cette lettre de change de cent écus pour laquelle je vous arrête. – (Macaire stupéfait) Fichtre !! C’est différent !..... Alors, monsieur, la vraie vérité, c’est que je n’ai pas le sou, je n’ai pas le premier sou !.... Mais, attendez un peu et la première action qui se placera sera pour vous. Avis : On souscrit chez Mr. Bertrand, Agent de change. Mr. Wormspire, Banquier, et Mandrin, Notaire.
Vous êtes banquier, monsieur ? – Oui, monsieur, je fais une banque, et une fameuse ! J’ose le dire : je fais la banque du commerce de Beaucaire, capital 4 millions. Ma haute capacité, ma probité, mes connaissances financières sont une garantie du plus immense succès, aussi les actions s’enlèvent, on se bat pour en avoir et l’on en a pas, elles sont toutes prises...... – Tant mieux, monsieur ; car il vous sera plus facile de payer cette lettre de change de cent écus pour laquelle je vous arrête. – (Macaire stupéfait) Fichtre !! C’est différent !..... Alors, monsieur, la vraie vérité, c’est que je n’ai pas le sou, je n’ai pas le premier sou !.... Mais, attendez un peu et la première action qui se placera sera pour vous. Avis : On souscrit chez Mr. Bertrand, Agent de change. Mr. Wormspire, Banquier, et Mandrin, Notaire.
Title (alt.):
You are a banker, sir ? - Yes, sire, I am a banker and a famous one ! I dare do say : that I own the trade bank in Beaucaire, capital 4 million. My considerable ability, my honesty, my financial knowledge are a guarantees of huge success, so that share can be removed, people fight for them but they can't get any, they are all taken...... - Great, sir ; for it will be easier to pay a hundred crowns the reason for my arresting you. - (Macaire stupified) Damn !! That is different !..... Then, sir, here is the real truth, it is that I have no money, I don't even have a penny !.... But, wait a minute and the first share to be placed will be yours. Note : You can subscribe with Mr. Bertrand, Stockbroker. Mr. Wormspice, Banker, and Mandrin, Notary.. Charivari
Robert Macaire, as banker, refuses to pay a bill of exchange. Banks in the form of joint stock companies became ever more important. "Insolvency" becomes one of the most widely used words in the Macaire series. The possibilities of fraud while using the banking system were numerous. "What is a picklock compared to a public share offering? What is a burglary into a bank compared to the foundation of a bank?" (Bert Brecht, Die Dreigroschenoper). Robert Macaire may seem to be a realistic figure, however one should remember that in reality he is an artificial personality, created in 1823 by Benjamin Antier for his play „ L’Auberge des Adrets“. The breakthrough came in 1834, when Frédéric Lemaitre used the names of Macaire and his somewhat simple partner Serres-Bertrand for his various comedies in Paris. The figure of Macaire goes back as far as 1371, when - as the legend goes - Aubri de Montdidier, a nobleman from the court of Charles V was assassinated by Macaire. The murder was vindicated by his dog, the only witness of the assassination. A duel between the dog and Macaire, who was armed with a cudgel, should settle the case. The dog killed Macaire, who confessed the murder before he died. Philipon was the author of all the texts of this series. It should be noted that Daumier did not monogram or sign the prints, presumable because Philipon wanted to document his position as author of the texts and as “inventor” of the series.
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Place of origin:
3rd state.
Published in: Le Charivari, July 9, 1838.
Notes (acquisition):
Donated by: Benjamin A. and Julia M. Trustman, 1959.