1785 Chap. 0017 An Act In Addition To An Act Passed The Tenth Day Of July, Anno Domini, One Thousand Seven Hundred And Eighty-Three, Entitled, "An Act Laying Duties Of Impost And Excise On Certain Goods, Wares And Merchandize, Therein Described, And For Repealing The Several Laws Heretofore Made For That Purpose; " And Also Another Act Passed The First Day Of July, One Thousand Seven Hundred And Eighty-Four, Entitled, "An Act In Addition To And For The Explanation Of An Act, Entitled, "An Act Laying Duties Of Impost And Excise On Certain Goods, Wares And Merchandize, Therein Described, And For Repealing The Several Laws Heretofore Made For That Purpose," And For The Encouragement Of Agriculture And Manufactures, And For Promoting Industry, Frugality And Economy.

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