Conozcamos al Mundo Hispano; Mexican Muralist Traditions and Its Impact on the Southwest
Muralist art in the southwest is gradually becoming a popular form of expression. This program intends to shed light on muralist art by showing its history and roots within Mexican tradition and the growing impact within our own generation. A perspective on art and muralist art in particular will lead to a discussion with two muralist artists from New Mexico: Walter Baca and Francisco LeFebre. Fernando Peñalosa, an artist and poet from Bolivia, and Roberto Salmon, a PhD candidate interested in muralist traditions in the southwest, join the discussion. Conozcamos al Mundo Hispano is a series of programs that offer a wide variety of topics from the Latino experience, including music, works of literature, history, and culture. Many Latino cultures are represented, including those in the United States, Mexico, South America, and Puerto Rico. This series of programming is being produced in part by a grant from the New Mexico Arts Commission and the National Endowment for the Arts.