This is a digital version of the original Springfield College Glee Club 1960 record (featuring The Scotchmen, an all-male acapella group). Side A includes the songs "Gloria in Excelsis Deo," "Tenebrae Factae Sunt," "The Boar's Head Carol," "Do-don't Touch-a My Garment," "Were You There," "Medley of College Songs-Laudes Atque Carmina-Alma Mater-Winger Song-Go Getum, Springfield," and "A Song for Springfield." Side B contains the songs "Show Me the Scotchman," "My Evaline, We Were Gathering Up the Roses, O Helen, Slow Motion," "My Sweet," "Mood Indigo," "Star Dust," "The Quartet of Rigoletto," and "Goodnight Song."
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