From Boston to Boston.The City of Boston, in the person of Mayor Kevin H. White (middle), here offers official congratulations to the group now finalizing the Cardinal Cushing pilgrimage to Boston, England, and shrines in Scandinavia. The July 14-Aug. 3 pilgrimage, which will pay special honor to St. Botolph as name-saint of Boston, will visit a dozen and more places in England, Norway, Denmark, and Sweden which are associated with devotion to the saint. Accepting the Mayor's "God-Speed" are (l. to r.) George Osborn of University Travel, Cambridge, handling technical arrangements; Brother Gerard Brassard, A.A., organizer and director of "Cardinal Cushing Boston Pilgrimages"; Joseph Klocker, sales representative in Boston for Scandinavian Airlines (SAS), official carrier for the pilgrimage; and George E. Ryan of THE PILOT, who assisted in arranging the unique pilgrimage.

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