For and Against Dues Hike-- I.W. ABel (left) President of the United Steel Workers addresses members of the union as they met in Atlantic City to vote on a dues increase to built a strike fund. David Rarick (left) of Irvin, Pennsylvania, is one of the leaders from the locals oppositing the increase.
For and Against Dues Hike-- I.W. ABel (left) President of the United Steel Workers addresses members of the union as they met in Atlantic City to vote on a dues increase to built a strike fund. David Rarick (left) of Irvin, Pennsylvania, is one of the leaders from the locals oppositing the increase.
For and Against Dues Hike-- I.W. ABel (left) President of the United Steel Workers addresses members of the union as they met in Atlantic City to vote on a dues increase to built a strike fund. David Rarick (left) of Irvin, Pennsylvania, is one of the leaders from the locals oppositing the increase.
[Information from item housing] Abel, I. W. Steel Union Official