Chicago - Underneath The Feet, Rooftops of Cars -- Youths toss snowballs while crust of drifts keeps them at car rooftop level in Chicago storm today. Action came in vicinity of Kenmore and Foster Ave. in Chicago's northwest side.
Chicago - Underneath The Feet, Rooftops of Cars -- Youths toss snowballs while crust of drifts keeps them at car rooftop level in Chicago storm today. Action came in vicinity of Kenmore and Foster Ave. in Chicagos northwest side.
Chicago - Underneath The Feet, Rooftops of Cars -- Youths toss snowballs while crust of drifts keeps them at car rooftop level in Chicago storm today. Action came in vicinity of Kenmore and Foster Ave. in Chicago's northwest side.
Title (alt.):
[Information from item housing] Weather: Snowstorms: 1960s: Wire Photos