Chicopee and Connecticut Rivers, Dana S. Coutney [Courtney] Co., hydroelectric station, elevation of water surface = 62.7, backwater from Connecticut River, drainage area of Connecticut River = 717 square miles, flow = 7400 cubic feet per second = 10.3 cubic feet per second per square mile, Chicopee, Mass., 1:30 PM, Apr. 20, 1933

Chicopee and Connecticut Rivers, Dana S. Coutney [Courtney] Co., hydroelectric station, elevation of water surface = 62.7, backwater from Connecticut River, drainage area of Connecticut River = 717 square miles, flow = 7400 cubic feet per second = 10.3 cubic feet per second per square mile, Chicopee, Mass., 1:30 PM, Apr. 20, 1933

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