Holograph, signed with initials.
Deborah Weston saw the temperance procession. Abby Kelley and Mrs. Eliza C. Follen heard William White make a good speech. Following his speech, Nathaniel Colver said that "moral suasion would do nothing for a drunkard." The Hutchinsons sang superbly, and Gov. G.N. Briggs presented a silver cup to Holbrook. Deborah describes the proceedings and excitements of the New England Anti-Slavery Convention at Marlboro Chapel, where a vote was taken for disunion. Deborah said: "[George] Bradburn was in a quiet way as ugly as Cain." William White "tried to clog the wheels in a good humoured way." The disunion vote was 247 to 23 in favor of it. A speech by Frederick Douglass was interrupted by an insolent stranger. In the evening, Charles C. Burleigh, at the convention, presented a banner to William L. Garrison for the American Anti-Slavery Society. "All the debts of the A[merican] Soc[iety] will be paid next week part of the money borrowed." Deborah tells about letters received, including one from Warren Weston from Singapore.
A postscript states that the Southwicks, Maria White, and James Russell Lowell voted "no" [for secession?].