Calder Cup Award Raises Sawchuk's Loot to $4000. Detroit Redwing goalie Terry Sawchuk today sported the Calder Cup trophy as outstanding rookie in the National Hockey League the past season. But he also sported a fat bankroll totalling $4000 in bonus money. For in addition to the $1000 that accompanied the Calder Award, he pocketed $1000 as the Wings won the league title, $500 as runner-up for the Vezina goaltending trophy, plus $500 the Wings made up to him since they thought he should have won the $1000 Vezina first money. Sawchuk, who now has won outstanding rookie honors in every pro league he ever played in, was the first choice of 15 of the 18 writers in the voting, polling 51 point sout of a possible 54. Runner up was Toronto goalie Al Rollins with 26 points. His teammate, Danny Lewicki, finished third. Next in order were Reg Sinclair, New York; Tom Johnson, Montreal, Gerry McNeil, Montreal, Boom Boom Geofrion, Montreal, Max Quackenbush, Bruins; Bud MacPherson, Montreal and Lorne Ferguson, Bruins.

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