W. E. Hurley Dies, Ex-state Treasurer. Former Massachusetts State Treasurer William E. Hurley, 81, missing from his home here for more than two weeks, died Nov. 8. at a Lakeland hotel, police discovered today. The former Boston postmaster and Republican state treasurer, had registered at the hotel under an assumed name. Death was apparently from natural causes. Lt. Detective Earl Newberry of this city said he changed upon the identity when checking a bulletin notice of the body in the Lakeland mortuary. The body is to be returned here for funeral services and burial. Mr. Hurley had lived here since 1954. He had registered at the Lakeland hotel under the name F. E. Martin of Pittsburgh., Pa. He was last seen alive Nov. 8 in the afternoon, and his body was found next morning in his room. There were no identifying papers and labels had been removed from two bottles of medicine. Mr. Hurley became a letter carrier in his 20's and in 1907 was one of two persons out of 58 to pass a Civil Service test for postoffice inspector. In 1931 he was named postmaster by former President Hoover and four years later won his first of three terms as state treasurer.

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