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- Cemeteries1,472
- Tombs & sepulchral monuments1,449
- Families951
- Historic buildings818
- Houses724
- Spouses420
- Children398
- Churches372
- North and Central America5,194
- United States5,181
- Massachusetts5,018
- Suffolk (county)2,659
- Boston2,552
- Jamaica Plain1,239
- Middlesex (county)853
- Norfolk (county)665
- Leon Abdalian Collection5,463
- Leslie Jones Collection243
- Nicholas Catsimpoolas Collection144
- Laurel Hill Cemetery Gravestone Rubbings102
- Giovanni Battista Piranesi (1720-1778). Etchings89
- The Antonio Cardinal Tosti Collection89
- Frank Cousins Glass Plate Negatives Collection, 1890-192087
- Stereograph Collection81